Sunday, May 22, 2011

I'm no singer, apparently.

So, a shower and twelve hours sleep was brilliant. And now that all the travel was over I could begin to focus on what I was here for. The Mexico international film festival. The first event is a mixer, where all the award winners, and any other industry types could get together and mingle and network. Not my strong point and it really does require psyching and usually a few drinks prior for dutch courage. But, those who know me, know how badly I suffer with hangovers and they are hell at the best of times at home let alone in a strange hotel room on my own on the other side of the world. I was really conscious of how, when nervous, I am inclined to guzzle drinks and i was going to make an effort to not go there. So there were no drinks prior.
I am the first to arrive. Great! Loserville already. The organizers, Carla and ula, tell me they have had 60 Americans cancel at the last minute, due to severe danger warnings for travel in the area given by the US government. They give me a few extra complimentary drink coupons, since half the guests won't be coming - dangerous... I knock back my first genuine Mexican margarita. It's not bad. Like me they don't put triple sec in it like some places in oz do. I'm glad, I hate that stuff in my margaritas. I get another. I'm twiddling my thumbs waiting for some other guests to arrive and finally a few more straggle in. Theres really not many of us. How disappointing for the organizers. But we all make the best of it; we're kindred spirits all happy to be there and to enjoy a bit of glory for our efforts. A few more drinks and the chatter becomes easier. The event officially finishes at 9.30 when the karaoke kicks in. We're all invited to hang around and about a dozen of us do.
Now, I have never sung in public before - not that I remember. Although I do have a recollection of holding a piece of paper with the words to a song on it at a party not so long ago. A party I choose to forget, such was my disgrace. maybe I sung there... (shhhhh Colleen). But they say travelers take risks. No one here knew me. Every one was having a go. It looked easy enough. I perused the selections and jotted a couple of song titles on a serviette, just to be prepared. Just in case I mustered up the guts to get up, and sing. Id pkay it by ear. Well, naughty Ula whisked up the serviette and took it out to the MC. Keeerist! Better have another drink.
The place is a haunt for locals, which included quite a few Americans who'd obviously escaped to the place as a semi retirement plan as they weren't really quite retirement age. Throughout the night I collected cards from a few I spoke to. Like Linda, who custom painted rocks she collected from the Rosarito beach. Children's names, company logos and she specialized in stones for pets burial sites. Yes. I desperately wanted to ask if it was a profitable venture. And how the rock supply was holding out.
They ALL took their karaoke very seriously, and most of them sung quite well and even confidently busted the right moves. This wasn't a one of event for them. They were regulars and karaoke to them was like golf is for some other folk around their age.
My turn came. Lordy. And deary me. My song choices; People Are Strange by the Doors and Something Stupid, Frank Sinatra. The music starts. The words start to roll. Right. I'm reading the words to myself. Im listening to the tune. Getting the feel. Concentrating. When I should be singing! Okay, so where am I? Where are we up to? I try a line. No, thats not right. Shit, where am I? Ummm, ummmm. Shit the music's going way too quick for my reading capabilities. I am such a slow reader! This isn't going well. I can feel all those margaritas flushing up to a redness in my cheeks and sweat in the armpits. The song ends. I die a little death. Maybe the next one will be easier. It's heaps slower. I psyche myself up while I wait for the MC who is having trouble finding it. And then up comes a Mexican gentleman to the stage. No more for you, he says. Only one song, you're only allowed one song. But... Hang on, everyone else has done two. Everyone. I thought that's what you did. No he says adamantly. Only one song. Off the stage. (who's thinking soup nazi here?)
All I can say is given my maturity with regards to drinking these days (I only woke up with a slight hangover) I am never ever likely to be drunk enough to ever get back up on a stage and sing karaoke!!! Yuse can all eat a dick. Especially you, little Mexican man.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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