Friday, May 20, 2011

Not so flash

True to form, not a wink of sleep on the bris/Syd/LAX flight. That would have been okay if it was the end of the line, but there was still more travel to be done before I could get horizontal. From LAX I had to get to a tiny little coastal town, Rosarito Beach, just south of the Mexico boarder. Where the festival was happening. Research showed me that would involve a shuttle bus form LAX to Union station, then a train to San Diego, then a shuttle bus across the boarder to Tijuana. And from there to Rosarito Beach, well I wasn't entirely sure -possibly an expensive cab ride. All this in an area where Smart Traveler advised not going if not necessary. Hmmm, anyway smart cookie put a post on the festival's website looking for a travel buddy and lo and behold I got a response. A Latino filmmaker who was receiving an award for his documentary. He would meet me at LAX and we would hire a car and eliminate all the above hooptedoodle. Great stuff!
Except that I got stood up! No sign of him, my text msg on arrival at LAX unanswered, my phone call to him straight to voicemail, and not a word until I next get wifi and access to FB 12 hours later. (he'd read into wrongly thinking I left on 19th and so arrived 20th, but we lose a day...)
Call me a wuss but I didn't have the guts after 20 hours no sleep to get behind the wheel on the wrong side of a car and drive that car on the wrong side of the road out of LA into an area where I shouldn't be. For some stupid reason I thought all the hooptedoodle mentioned above was the better option. And I got to union station okay, and even just in the nick of time to catch a train to San Diego.
But! The train was 45 minutes late leaving, I stood in a queue for 45 minutes. bugger LA this place should be called QA - ay!
So finally we get away and the conductor tells us there'd could be more delays because we are late, the train doesnt have priority any more and will have waits along the way. Grumble grumble. At least we're not queueing - ay!
But wait there's more! Now, as I write, the train has broken down!!!,! We have been waiting for over 30 minutes for a mechanic to come fix the fucker. So I've hit the 24 hour mark with no sleep and no likely hood of it for at least another 6 hours.
Someone remind me, why am I doing this?

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