Thursday, May 26, 2011

I see dead people

It happened on my last trip. I dreamt about dead people from my life. So far this trip I've had two different dreams like this. It begs the question, are these spirits traveling with me? That's more than fine if they're looking after me. But last night's dream was just so incredibly sad and disturbing, and scary. I'm still trying to unravel it. And I'm tempted to make a call home to check everyone is alright as I've had dreams before, birth and death dreams, that have carried relevance to actual events. The dream woke me at about 2am and at first I didn't know what had woken me and then I remembered, and I cried and cried. (jeez, I'm crying a lot aren't i?) I had difficulty returning to sleep and had to get up and get my kindle off the charger and read to push the thoughts from my head. Another shitful nights sleep. I woke again at 5am, another disturbing dream but for the life of me can't remember that one. And when I eventually woke just before my alarm at 7 I had departure stuff on my mind and didn't think about the dream. It wasn't until I sat in my seat on the greyhound bus to LA that it came back to me with a whollop. Before long I had tears streaming down my cheeks. If ever I'm acting, not that I have aspirations, I know that just a quick thought to that dream would induce tears without a doubt. Thank goodness for my dark sunnies. And I'm sorry to be elusive, I can't say this dream out loud, it's just too... Ominous. And anyway, I'd start bawling again.

So, on a cheerier note, I'm on a greyhound bus heading to LA. My San Francisco stay came good at about 11am yesterday when every bit of evil had been excreted from my poor hungry body. I had to eat and just across the road was the most perfect place for my first meal. It was a buffet but the freshest most appetizing looking food I have ever, EVER seen on a buffet. Actually, it looked like something my family or friends would produce when we have a pot luck. I served up a plate of freshly chopped fruit salad and a croissant, perfect. And it was the first decent coffee I'd had in the states. I was beginning to feel human again, and the rain that had threatened to ruin my last day had begun to clear. That settled it, I would venture out and take myself to Alcatraz. I thought if nothing else I would enjoy the ferry ride.
It was an easy trip with the trolley cars running right outside my hotel's door, and dropping me off right at pier 33 where I caught the ferry. No waiting and minimal queues.
Alcatraz was wonderful. It had turned into a beautiful day. I went berserk with the camera. I knew Alcatraz had been a federal penitentiary and a military barracks but I didn't know that at one point native Americans took over the island. It was a protest about the standard of the missions the government had begrudgingly given them. It was interesting to learn this on the day that back home was 'sorry' day.

I was on a safe bet with the buffet across the road and still feeling very finicky about what I felt like to eat so I returned there for dinner and then again this morning for breakfast. I was hoping they'd have their sandwiches prepared so I could buy one for the bus ride but alas, no, they didn't put them out until about 10am. And double alas, the driver has just informed us we'll be breaking for lunch at Burger King, nooooooooo!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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