Saturday, June 4, 2011

Last day in Mexico

Grrrrrrrrrrrr, a wasted day. Stomach cramps all day yesterday and I woke with diaoreah this morning. I thought I might come good and Merryon and I had planned a days activity but here it is 4pm and I'm too wary to leave the safety of the loo. Too weary also. I feel rotten to have spoiled Mez's plans but she is being perfectly lovely.
We have crossed the '4 day' threshold. Some may know of my last (and first) overseas experience when four days into my trip I ditched my traveling companion due to irreconcilable differences. That's putting it very politely. She was a nightmare and I was miserable. There was no way I was going to have someone making me miserable on a trip I'd waited all my life to do. So I got rid of the negative energy and went on to have a wonderful adventure all on my own.
This trip and my choice of companion is thankfully a completely different story. Mez and I have laughed on more than one occasion when we have both lifted our camera to take the same picture, or reached for our bottle of water at the same time. We have agreed every day on the activities we want to do and then in the evening, where we want to eat and then even when we both want to call it a day. We are on the same page. Phew.
Although there was a slight falter last night. Right from the get go Merryon had been keen to go and see the wrestling; very big here in Mexico. I wasn't too sure. Even my son said to me, gee mum, I wouldn't have thought that would be your cup of tea. And Normally it wouldn't probably be Merryon's cup of tea either. But when in Mexico... It was all about the experience so I set about psyching myself for the event. In the meantime Mez had started to experience a seed of doubt and by 6pm the night we were supposed to go she wasn't at all convinced it was the best plan.
But it speaks volumes for our compatibility that we were able to chat about our mutual concerns, which was mainly logistics, our safety and not getting ripped off. We decided we would regret it more if we didn't go. We discussed strategies and put a plan B and C in place and off we went. It was loud, it was colorful, it was corny and it was a hoot! We were both so glad we went. It was quite a contrast to the past few days which had been primarily cruising the museums and art galleries. Would I go again? I don't think so. Give me the Brisbane lions for my gladiatorial thrills any day.

The galleries have been wonderful and today we had planned to go to an artisans market, but alas here I am... We went on a touribus and saw a lot of the city that way, including Frida Kahlo's house/museum which was a thrill. The Museo de Antropologia was incredibly interesting and insightful. And the Museo Nacional de Arte stunning. (not my pic below)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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