Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mexico City

How good it is to see Mez! She's had a few anxious moments with late flights and connection worries but it's all panned out and here she is with 15 minutes to spare before we board the plane to Mexico city. We even manage to get seats together; there's lots of catching up to do, we haven't seen each other since November last year when I was in Melbourne. We chatter most of the way despite Mez getting close to the 24 hour mark of traveling. What a trooper. What happens at the Mexico City airport is I think a good omen.
My bag comes through very quickly, I'm ready to go. But mez's bag is nowhere to be seen. She mentions she felt slightly uncomfortable when someone just placed her luggage all on it's ownsome on a trolley at the Sydney airport. She's looking a little bit worried but handling it very well, especially considering how tired she is. Probably if it was me I'd be close to tears given what a sookielala I've been this trip. We go to the baggage counter and Mez fills in all the missing baggage forms. Customer service assures Mez her bags will arrive on the next flight, 5am the next morning and then be delivered to our accomodation. We walk away from the counter, Mez is stoically resigned to the fact she wont have her bag that night, and i think quietly worried she might never see it again. Again, I am impressed at how she is handling it. I think to myself, if this is how she handles stress then she's going to make a good traveling companion. but from behind us we hear the customer service lady calling to us. She has found mez's bag!!! Phew!!!
We get a cab to our digs, which is a bed and breakfast ( recommended to us by Merryon's brother who visited Mexico himself not long ago. It is gorgeous. Made all the more gorgeous by the wonderful men, and the golden labrador, who run the place. It is tastefully decorated and they go out of their way to make us feel welcome. Nothing is too much trouble. Once we're settled in they say they are pouring wines later, to come and join them. They apparently do this a couple of times a week. So we do that and meet several other guests. In their little welcome book they list several recommendations for eating and we've already tried two of them and it's obvious our hosts good taste stretches to food as well as decor and hospitality.

The garden at the red tree house

Mez, settling in.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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