Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Walking the streets

We decide to set out on foot for our first day of exploring. We're heading to Chapultepec Park where the are a few things we're interested in seeing. The night before when we headed out to dinner we discovered what a hazard the pavements in Mexico City are. They are cracked and crumbly and there's random elevations and steps all over the place. You really must have your wits about you if you don't want to do in an ankle. We also discover there's not much rhyme or reason to crossing streets. And us instinctively looking for cars in the wrong direction doesn't help! Pedestrian lights are not the norm and are only on the biggest of intersections. And another discovery is the Mexican have horns and know how to use them! The constant blasting really gives the place a chaotic feel. The layout of the streets is quite random too. One street near us actually does a full circle. Is it any wonder we got confused finding our way around before we'd got a hold of a map. We get quite lost getting to the park too, but with the aid of Mez's iPhone we eventually get there. I'd set out not really knowing where I was heading, very slack of me to think Mez would be any better a navigator than I am, so I decided, after about 3 hours of walking, I must get a hold of a map asap so I could take responsibility and contribute to the navigation each day. another thing we notice is people looking at us often, and not just looking - we get wolf whistled too. Well, at least one of us gets wolf whistled...
We went through the Museo de Antropologia, which was as huge as it was fascinating. A great way to spend the afternoon but on top of the 3 or so hours of walking we were starting to feel pretty weary. We'd got a map from the gift shop at the museum so plotted our route home and did the walk in an hour. All up, seven hours of walking. The shoes I'd bought especially for the trip served me very well, not a blister to be had, only aching feet and tired legs. Mez didn't fare so well with a huge blister on the sole of her foot.
Not sure how we mustered up the energy but after a brief rest we headed out again for dinner. Where we are staying in is fantastic for restaurants. Our beautiful meal was a great way to end a long tiring day. We couldn't wait to hit the sack.
Below, some amazing things we saw at the Museo

A cat hat

The masks were outstanding.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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